A company’s culture is part of its identity, just like its brand. What kind of culture do you want to cultivate and how does your office design impact that?  Believe it or not, every part of your company can impact what your culture looks like, including what kind of corporate furniture you opt for. Your company’s culture can be a deciding factor for potential employees, business partners, or clients, so it’s important to be aware of how much control you have over that. 

How Are Design and Culture Linked?

When we think about company culture, a lot can come to mind, from something like dress code, to events after work hours, and beyond. One way that isn’t talked about enough is how your corporate furniture can play a role. Just like our homes, where our furniture is an expression of who we are and what we do, a business should think about their furniture and design the same way. You’re giving a space personality and that personality can go a long way in influencing every other aspect of your work life.

With the rise of so many collaborative businesses, they all needed spaces to help encourage that collaboration. Thus, finding open office furniture like larger conference tables or rolling chairs. Not every business can benefit from this kind of design though and it may not be essential to a company’s culture to promote collaboration. It all depends on what is right for you. We can split this up into two major factors: function and style.


At the end of the day, getting work done is an important part of running a business—and corporate furniture can help promote that. Practical, comfortable furniture goes a long way in creating a quality workplace. Not every office will use the same design or furniture though. Some companies may actually prioritize individual efforts, whereas others may want to prioritize something like wellness where standing desks and stability balls could be implemented in lieu of traditional office furniture. 

A Touch of Style

A design is more than its function. You want something that looks good and inspires your employees or impresses outsiders. While many these days are opting for sleek, modern looks that have smooth lines and simple colors, some are still choosing traditional woods and color schemes. There is no one right style, it’s what matches your company’s culture that matters.

Choose ModishFurbish for Your Office Design and Furniture Needs

Are you ready to redesign your office to maximize productivity and creative thinking? ModishFurbish can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business.